LMS – Education WordPress Theme es un tema confiable y completo para la gestión de aprendizaje en línea, diseñado específicamente para centros educativos, cursos en línea, academias de formación, escuelas, universidades e instructores en línea. Con más de 6,267 ventas y una valoración de 4.72 estrellas, este tema es la solución perfecta para crear un sistema de gestión de aprendizaje en línea atractivo y efectivo.
Características principales
- Sistema de Gestión de Aprendizaje (LMS): Integración con el plugin Sensei para crear cursos, lecciones y cuestionarios fácilmente, permitiendo una gestión completa del contenido educativo.
- Cursos y Evaluaciones en Línea: Gestión de lecciones, sistemas de evaluación en línea, cuestionarios, registros, pruebas de práctica, módulos de aprendizaje, cursos completos, exámenes en línea y mucho más.
- Multilenguaje y Soporte RTL: Compatible con WPML, permitiendo la creación de sitios web en múltiples idiomas, y soporte RTL para idiomas de derecha a izquierda.
- Venta de Cursos en Línea: Integración con WooCommerce para cobrar por los cursos, permitiendo la venta de contenido educativo directamente desde tu sitio web.
- Integración con Zoom y Google Classroom: Compatibilidad con plugins de videoconferencia para ofrecer clases en línea en tiempo real.
- Módulos de Curso y Progreso: Seguimiento del progreso del curso, sistema de clasificación, y panel de control para estudiantes para administrar sus cursos y lecciones.
- Optimización SEO: Totalmente codificado a mano, semántico y optimizado para motores de búsqueda, compatible con plugins de SEO como All in One SEO y Yoast.
- Diseño Responsive y Amigable para Móviles: Construido para funcionar perfectamente en PC, iPad, iPhone, dispositivos Android y similares.
- Fácil Mantenimiento: Diseñado con una preferencia por convenciones sobre configuraciones, lo que significa menos cosas para configurar y más tiempo para ofrecer una gran formación.
- Integración de Eventos: Compatible con el plugin Event Calendar para la gestión de eventos, incluyendo fotos, mapas, enlaces externos, descripción, y lista de eventos destacados y próximos.
- Constructor de Páginas Visual: Constructor de códigos cortos visuales que permite crear páginas con múltiples posibilidades de diseño de forma sencilla.
Beneficios del uso de LMS – Education WordPress Theme
- Gestión Completa de Cursos: Permite una gestión integral de cursos y lecciones, facilitando la creación y administración de contenido educativo.
- Experiencia de Usuario Mejorada: Diseño atractivo y funcional que mejora la experiencia del usuario, manteniendo a los estudiantes comprometidos.
- Optimización para SEO y Velocidad: Mejora la visibilidad en los motores de búsqueda y asegura tiempos de carga rápidos.
- Soporte Multilenguaje: Facilita la creación de sitios web multilingües, ampliando tu alcance global.
- Integración con Herramientas de Enseñanza en Línea: Compatible con plugins de videoconferencia y sistemas de gestión de aprendizaje para ofrecer una educación en línea completa y efectiva.
Precio del Tema
- Costo Total: El precio de LMS – Education WordPress Theme varía según la licencia y las funcionalidades requeridas. Contacta con nosotros para obtener más información sobre las opciones de precios y licencias.
¿Por qué Elegir LMS – Education WordPress Theme?
- Diseño y Funcionalidad: Un tema profesional diseñado para ofrecer la mejor experiencia educativa en línea.
- Optimización y Rendimiento: Garantiza un rendimiento óptimo y una excelente experiencia de usuario en cualquier dispositivo.
- Soporte y Comunidad: Accede a soporte técnico profesional y una comunidad activa para ayudarte a sacar el máximo provecho del tema.
Para obtener más información y adquirir LMS – Education WordPress Theme, contáctanos hoy mismo y transforma tu sitio web educativo en una plataforma de aprendizaje en línea profesional.
Changelog de la plantilla publicada en ThemeForest:
2023.12.27 – version 8.6
* Elementor Version updated with Demo content
2023.12.01 – version 8.5
* Compatible with WordPress, Elementor and WooCommerce latest version * Updated: All premium plugins * Fixed: Events Calendar Events Loading Issue * Fixed: Design and script issues
2023.11.03 – version 8.4
* Fixed: Unyson Installation Issue.
2023.07.31 – version 8.3
* Fixed: the_content() issue on homepage * Fixed: Buddha Panel design fixes * Compatible with PHP 8.2 version
2022.11.18 – version 8.2
* Compatible with WordPress 6.1.1 * Compatible with latest WooCommerce versions * Compatible with PHP 8.1 version * Updated: All premium plugins
Version 8.1
* Elementor addon compatibility * All course related shortcodes and other shortcodes also created as Elementor modules * Comes with "LMS Elementor Addon" plugin, to have above features * Also comes with Elementor Addon demo content
2022.07.01 – version 8.0
* Design core feature Quiz and Question issue has been fixed
2022.03.05 – version 7.9
* Fixed the image selection issue in Quiz page
2021.08.23 – version 7.8
* Compatible with wordpress 5.8
2020.12.28 – version 7.7
* Design Fixes * RTL Page design fixes * Slider alignment issues * Gallery hover type issue * Blog and gallery isotope issue
2020.12.17 – version 7.6
* Fixed console error
2020.12.10 – version 7.5
* Latest jQuery fixes updated * Updated: All premium plugins
2020.11.02 – version 7.4
* Login page privacy policy checkbox not working Files Modified: lms/style.css lms/changelog.txt lms/framework/js/public/custom.js
2020.09.29 – version 7.3
* Lesson pages included for login before viewing option
2020.08.13 – version 7.2
* Quiz page issue fixed
2020.08.13 – version 7.1
*Compatible with wordpress 5.5 * Updated Premium Plugins
2020.08.06 – version 7.0
* New - Google Classroom Integration ( DesignThemes Webinar plugin ) * New - Video Conferencing with Zoom Plugin Compatible * New - Topbar option added * New - Course Start date, Capacity, Complexity - Category option * New - Enable/disable Registration option for free course/class before viewing * New - Google captcha options for all forms * New - Blog Carousel option * New - 4 column option for Blog, Classes and Courses * New - Course layout 2 filter option - Sub categories option * Updated - Certficate background issue * Updated - Scroll issue of Chrome Browser in Class details page * Updated - Date picker - jQuery UI issue * Updated - Class registration popup close added * Updated - SSL issue * Updated - Google map api issue * Updated - Some design issues updated
2020.06.15 – version 6.1
* Sensei demo updated * Ssl issue in twitter js file * Compatible with latest wordpress 5.4.2
2020.03.13 – version 6.0
* Updated demo contents * Updated some design issues * Updated warning message
2020.02.12 – version 5.9
* Updated : All premium plugins
2020.01.29 – version 5.8
* Compatible with wordpress 5.3.2 * Updated: All premium plugins * Updated: All wordpress theme standards * Updated: Privacy and Cookies concept * Updated: Gutenberg editor support for custom post types * Fixed: Google Analytics issue * Fixed: Mailchimp email client issue * Fixed: Privacy Button Issue * Fixed: Gutenberg check for old wordpress version * Improved: Tags taxonomy added for portfolio * Improved: Single product breadcrumb section * Improved: Revisions options added for all custom posts * Removed: Scorm plugin compatibility
2019.07.17 – version 5.7
* Compatible with wordpress 5.2.2 * Updated: All premium plugins * Updated: Revisions added to all custom post types * Updated: Gutenberg editor support for custom post types * Updated: Link for phone number module * Updated: Online documentation link, check readme file * Fixed: Google Analytics issue * Fixed: Mailchimp email client issue * Fixed: Gutenberg check for old wordpress version * Fixed: Smooth scrolling in ie 11 * Improved: Tags taxonomy added for portfolio * New: Whatsapp Shortcode
2019.06.20 – version 5.6
* Gutenberg Latest update compatible * Fixed - Mailchimp Issue * Fixed - GDPR Product single page comment box issue * Updated wpml xml file * Updated latest version of all third party plugins * Updated - language pot files * Some design tweaks
2019.06.03 – version 5.5
* Updated latest version of all third party plugins * Multi Rating plugin removed due to conflicts
2018.12.25 – version 5.4
* Latest wordpress version 5.0.X compatible * Updated latest version of all third party plugins * Updated documentation
2018.10.09 – version 5.3
* Packed with latest version of DesignThemes Core Shortcode Plugins, Visual Composer, Ultimate Addons for Visual Composer, Layer Slider and Revolution Slider. * Compatible with WordPress 4.9.8. * GDPR update. * Some Design Tweaks. * Documentation updated
2018.06.08 – Version 5.2
* Added Demo Content Import using One Click Demo Import plugin. Screenshot reference * Some design tweaks * Buddypress settings error fix * Page builder notification suppressed
2018.05.31 – Version 5.1
* Replaced WP-PostRatings plugin with Multi Rating plugin (For previous customers, if you want to continue with WP-PostRatings plugin, just do not install Multi Rating plugin) * Compatible with wordpress 4.9.6 * Updated demo content install issue * Updated all third party plugins * Updated buddypress issue * Updated Documentation * Updated DesignThemes Core Shortcode Plugins 2.7
2018.02.21 – Version 5.0
* Fix - Notification to take quiz for lessons without quiz * Fix - RTL design issues * Fix - Background color option not working for "Blockquote" shortcode * Fix - Russian language translation issue * Fix - Nav menu plugin conflict issue * Fix - Unyson page builder conflicts with "Visual Composer" and "DesignThemes Page Builder" * Fix - Mail server issue * Fix - ios device responsive issue * Fix - Menu design issue * Fix - Sidebar conflicts with fullwidth content * Fix - Other design issues * Fix - Disabling "Visual Editor" option from profile settings page conflicts with "DesignThemes Page Builder" * Fix - Added links to tweets from twitter widget * Fix - New WordPress widgets like Text, Image, Gallery,... conflicts with "DesignThemes Page Builder" * Fix - When both product and categories are added in same page WooCommerce * Fix - Product single page alignment issue with upsell and cross sell products * Fix - Total certificates achieved count issue * Fix - Google plus login redirect issue * Fix - Course lessons order differs on different pages * Tweak - "dt_sc_courses" shortcodes updated with 4 column option * Tweak - Global option to hide breadcrumb section completely * Tweak - Placeholder for mark field while adding questions in the quiz * Tweak - Option to add custom widget area for BuddyPress pages * Compatible - WordPress 4.9.4 * Compatible - BuddyPress 2.9.3 * Compatible - s2Member Framework 170722 * Compatible - Sensei 1.9.20 * Compatible - The Events Calendar * Compatible - The Events Calendar PRO 4.4.23 * Compatible - WooCommerce 3.3.2 * Packed with - DesignThemes Core Shortcode Plugins 2.6 * Packed with - Layer Slider 6.7.0 * Packed with - Revolution Slider * Packed with - WPBakery Visual Composer 5.4.5 * Packed with - Ultimate Addons for Visual Composer 3.16.21 * Packed with - Events Schedule WP Plugin 2.4.3
2017.12.25 – Version 4.9.3
* Bug fixes
2017.12.18 – Version 4.9.2
* Ultimate addon update * Fixed Page builder image selection * Ultimate Member plugin Compatible * Fixed Bulk Plugin install issue * Course Subscription Issue
2017.12.01 – Version 4.9.1
* Designthemes core features plugin install issue * Updated all third party plugins
2017.11.24 – Version 4.9
* Fix - Theme check issues * Minor bug fixes
2017.09.20 – Version 4.8
* Packed with LayerSlider WP 6.5.8 * Packed with Slider Revolution 5.4.6 * Packed with WPBakery Visual Composer 5.3 * Packed with Ultimate Addons for Visual Composer 3.16.17 * Packed with Events Schedule WP Plugin 2.0.6
2017.06.28 – Version 4.7.1
* Minor bug fixes
2017.06.27 – Version 4.7
* Tweak - Added import option for Questions and Quizzes custom post types. You can find sample import file and readme text file along with theme package. * Tweak - Suggestion option in slider search form. * Tweak - Added the Class statistics under "Statistics" menu * Tweak - Question navigator option for quiz. * Tweak - Changed the price link in Sensei courses shortcode to course single page. * Tweak - Added temporary fix for "Text" and "Image" WordPress widgets (wp 4.8) not working in LMS page builder * Fix - Class featured image not working issue on certain times. * Fix - URL query string collition issue with wpml plugin. * Fix - Certificate print not working in firefox. * Fix - WooCommerce products are not listed properly in Course and Class backend sometimes. * Fix - The events calendar notification issue. * Fix - Bulk installation of plugins in WordPress 4.8 gives warning. * Fix - Other minor issues
2017.04.27 – Version 4.6
* WordPress 4.7.4 compatible * BuddyPress 2.8.2 compatible * s2Member Framework 170221 compatible * Sensei 1.9.14 compatible * The Events Calendar 4.4.5 compatible * The Events Calendar PRO 4.4.6 compatible * WooCommerce 3.0.4 compatible * Packed with Layer Slider 6.3.0 * Packed with Revolution Slider 5.4.1 * Packed with WPBakery Visual Composer 5.1.1 * Packed with Ultimate Addons for Visual Composer 3.16.10 * Bug Fixes
2017.01.24 – Version 4.5
* Packed with Layer Slider 6.1.0 * Packed with Revolution Slider * BuddyPress 2.7.4 compatible * s2Member Framework 161129 compatible * Sensei 1.9.11 compatible * WooCommerce 2.6.13 compatible * WordPress 4.7.1 compatible * Fixed - Lesson backend edit page broken issue * Fixed - Buddypress cover image update issue * Fixed - Cannot update plugins when child theme is activated * Fixed - WooCommerce product categories shortcode, column attributes not working issue * Fixed - Not able to override parent theme functions from child theme * PHP 7.0 compatible * Minor bug fixes
2016.12.10 – Version 4.4.1
* Bug Fixes
2016.12.09 – Version 4.4
* Bug Fixes * WordPress 4.7 compatible * BuddyPress 2.7.3 compatible * The Events Calendar 4.3.4 compatible * WooCommerce 2.6.9 compatible * WPBakery Visual Composer 5.0.1 included
2016.11.09 – Version 4.3
* Page builder fix
2016.10.07 – Version 4.2
* Bug Fixes * Woocommerce coupon code update css issue fixed * Global page layout option updated * Mailchimp updated to latest api 3.0 * Updated latest version of all third party plugins * Social share links alignment issue fixed * Font awesome css updated * SSL compatible updated * Unyson importer plugin support * Dummy data content optimized * Dummy content importer procedure updated * Page builder update
2016.09.27 – Version 4.1
* DesignThemes Core Plugin installation issue fixed * rtl.css loaded correctly
2016.09.21 – Version 4.0
* Class custom post type created * Class concept comes with onsite class and online class options. Demo url => * Now custom post type courses comes with WooCommerce payment support * Supports YITH WooCommerce Subscription 1.1.4 plugin for subscription process * Enhanced course single page -> Students enrolled list -> Modified ratings display -> Certificate and badge notification -> Link BuddyPress group and Events -> Demo url => * New course template page => * Quiz Enhancements -> Option to switch between show one question at a time or to show all questions at time -> New question type Multiple Choice with Images ( Answers in images ) added -> View quiz statistics immediately after quiz completion -> Use images in questions and answers -> Enable answer explanation immediately -> Demo Login => students / students * Enahanced Student Dashboard -> Class progress with graphical analysis -> Course progress with graphical analysis -> Quiz statistics * 3 New Demos -> -> -> * Course progress in percentage once student logs in course single page and dashboard * Option to change teacher label throught the site in buddha panel * Supports Social Logins -> Facebook -> Google Plus -> Demo url => * Supports "Timetable WordPress Plugin - Weekly Class Schedule" plugin * Supports "The Events Calendar" 4.2.6 * Supports "The Events Calendar PRO" 4.2.5 * Supports "WPBakery Visual Composer" 4.12.1 * Supports "Ultimate Addons for Visual Composer" 3.16.7 * Supports "Responsive Google Maps" 4.0 * Supports "WooCommerce" 2.6.4 * WordPress 4.6.1 compatible
2016.07.01 – Version 3.1
* Comes with "SCORM Cloud For WordPress" plugin compatibility, demo url * "TinCan courses" can be imported in Scorm Cloud plugin and its statistics can be viewed in Scorm Cloud * Online documentation for Scorm integration can be viewed in and * Responsive Styled Google Maps 3.4 included * LayerSlider WP 5.6.9 included * Slider Revolution 5.2.6 included * The Events Calendar compatible * Ultimate Addons for Visual Composer 3.16.5 included * WooCommerce 2.6.2 compatible
2016.06.17 – Version 3.0
* Options to switch between following login and registration pages WordPress Default, LMS Theme - Default Profile, LMS Theme - BuddyPress Profile, s2Member Plugin * Updated BuddyPress profile page * Option to switch between theme default Dashboard page (Welcome Template) and BuddyPress profile page * Private messaging option between Teacher and Student using BuddyPress * Option to link BuddyPress group with LMS theme default courses * Option for Students to "Join Group" manually if they not yet joined to course group * Email notifications enabled for theme default courses (student will receive mail when thier quiz is graded and teacher will receive mail when student submits quiz for grading) * "Apply Coupon" in checkout page not working in mobiles * Fix - Cross site scripting vulnerability in search form * Course Curriculum updated with parent and child lessons design * Added instagram, soundcloud and vk social icons * Packed with latest version plugins * WooCommerce 2.6.1 compatible * The Events Calendar 4.2 and The Events Calendar PRO 4.2 compatible * s2Member Framework 160503 and s2Member Pro 160503 compatible * Sensei 1.8.8 compatible
2016.06.01 – Version 2.2
* Now you can make assignments priceable * Teacher can add remarks or reviews for student assignments * Admin can preview certificate now * User cannot take free courses without registration * Option to hide course, lesson and assignment content if user not logged in * Bulk assignment of courses to student or students to course is possible now * Categorywise filter options * Fontawesome icons are updated * Added link for icons in icon box shortcodes * Not able to print certificate along with background image - Fixed * Help video to copy and translate content from default to other languages (WPML with DesignThemes Pagebuilder) - * DesignThemes Pagebuilder with WPML issue - Fixed * Foreign languages broken issue in DesignThemes pagebuilder * SSL compatible * Added 'Return to Shop' link cart page * New widget to display Course Categories * Option to enable page layout for all pages globally in buddha panel options * Language translations files updated * Ultimate Addons for Visual Composer support * WPBakery Visual Composer support * Packed with latest version plugins * WordPress 4.5.2 compatible
2016.04.15 – Version 2.1
* WordPress 4.5 compatible * Packed with Layer Slider 5.6.2 version * Packed with Revolution Slider 5.1.4 version * Packed with Responsive Styled Google Maps 3.0 version
2016.01.11 – version 2.0
* Supports s2Member Pro v151218 * Option to customize all s2member user levels from buddha panel * Option to have one or more s2Member supported payment types * Supports sensei addons like Sensei Certificates, Sensei Course Participants, Sensei Course Progress, Sensei Media Attachments, Sensei Share Your Grade * Admin can manully assign course(s) to student * Option to change the course, lesson and course type slug * Updated membership page with membership template * Option to remove placeholder images from blog, portfolio, courses, etc, * Not able to have more than one WooCommerce widget with different settings - Fixed * Theme settings removed when switching the themes - Fixed * Added cart icon along with menu * Added category option in 'dt_sc_events' shortcode * The "Signup" button in mailchimp widget is not translatable - Fixed * Page builder fix for WPML * Able to download certificates without logging in - Fixed * Users able to upload assignments without logging in - Fixed * Option to set default sidebar for all posts, pages, courses, etc..., * Enhanced dummy data installation * Updated Documentation * Packed with Layer Slider 5.6.2 and Revolution Slider 5.1.4 * BuddyPress 2.4.3 compatible * s2Member Framework 151218 compatible * Woothemes Sensei 1.8.8 compatible * The Events Calendar 4.0.4 compatible * WooCommerce 2.4.12 compatible * Updated fontawesome icons and tgm plugin activation scripts * Demo URL have been changed to,
2015.11.12 – version 1.9
* Documentation Updated
2015.06.17 – version 1.8
* Updated PrettyPhoto Script to latest version 3.1.6.
2015.06.15 – version 1.7
* WPML Compatible
2015.05.30 – version 1.6
* WordPress 4.2.1 compatible * Bug Fixes
2015.04.24 – version 1.5
* XSS vulnerability issues fixed * WordPress 4.2 compatible * WooCommerce 2.3.8 compatible * The Events Calendar 3.9.3
2015.04.10 – version 1.4
* Now with the help of s2Member, we can provide open subscription to all courses based on following time periods day, month, year and lifetime. * Added grouping option for courses in default lessons custom post * Menu comes in two line when having only four menus issue fixed * Fixed search of portfolio items doesn't show its image issue * New user able to register as administrator issue fixed * Fixed alignment issue in menus, when menu links are disabled * The Events Calendar 3.9.1 compatible * WooCommerce 2.3.7 compatible * s2Member Framework 150311 compatible * s2Member configuration in documentation
2014.01.14 – version 1.3
* WordPress 4.1 compatible * Now course page can have media attachments. * Quiz pages for courses with auto and manual evaluation * Options to have following type of questions Multiple Choice, Multiple Correct, True / False, Gap Fill, Single Line and Multi Line * Certificates and Badges option for courses * Options to add assignemnts and include in course evaluation. * Payments for teachers can be feeded manually. * Simple and graphical analysis of courses, course subscriptions, course completion, etc, * Updated Dashboard. * Retina and RTL support. * Image Optimization. * Updated dummy content file. * Updated documentation. * Added demo slider zip files for both Layer Slider and Revolution Slider. * Option to disable placeholder images. * Theme and plugin languages files updated * The Events Calendar and The Events Calendar PRO 3.9 compatible * Woocommerce 2.2.10 and BuddyPress 2.1.1 compatible * Option to update footer logo in buddha panel * Now dt_sc_recent_post shortcode can have categories attribute * Option to have own server video in course and lessons page * Fixed menus comes in two line issue
2014.09.15 – version 1.2
* WordPress 4.0 compatible * Woocommerce 2.2.2 compatible
2014.09.10 – version 1.1
* Included updated version of revolution slider * Now white skins are also available (Added 20 more skins)
2014.08.14 – version 1.0
* First release!
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